Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today I accomplished a couple of important things that have been heavily weighing on my mind. I renewed my parking permit for hopefully the last time at the UofA. I also declared my minor. I officially will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a minor in Special Education and Rehabilitation. I feel like it is all finally happening. I have everything in order and my goal of graduation seems attainable for the first time since I've started college.

Here are some more aspirations on my goals list:
  • Lose the last 10 lbs I gained Sophomore year of college (OOPS haha)
  • Do more Yoga and play more Soccer 
  • Take summer school
  • Take surf lessons in May
  • FINISH 1 DIY PROJECT (Worst crafter ever? This girl)
  • Focus on eating healthier and getting back some energy I used to have.
  • Get more sleep. The bags under my eyes in the picture above sadden me. 
  • Make more time for my friends, family, and for real dates with Kyle. 
  • Get promoted at work!!!!! (interview May 3rd! fingers crossed, friends) 
  • Possibly move out of my Parent's house. This goal is something that is incredibly important to me. I have no sense of budgeting or responsibility in that sense. It is something that will boost my self esteem and give me essential life skills when Kyle and I decide it's time to become permanent roomies. I know it seems practical to stay at home and save my money, but I don't think I'll ever take saving money seriously if I don't have any budgeting skills. I think with support and encouragement from my family, I can cross this one off my list, too!
 I often forget how important it is to set goals for yourself, but this year more than any other I've felt myself getting lost by just "floating by" and not striving for more. So, it's time to put on my big girl pants and get stuff done.

I'm inspired everyday by the successful ladies in my life. To name a few in hopes that their success brings you inspiration as well!
Have an inspiring Tuesday :) and I'll see you later with today's Tucson Tuesday!


  1. Interesting list - I like it :-)

  2. I've been an on & off Starbucks barista for years. I call Starbucks my dysfunctional relationship ;) (I love your blog & your outfits are adorable!)

  3. get it, girl. all that and more will be yours, i just know it. you're one of the smartest, hardest working people i know and the karma is just buildin' up, baby. you know who to call if you ever need help. <3

  4. Great list - and I'm totally in favour of putting your own place ahead of saving. I left home at sixteen, rented for years and now own my home; learning to properly budget and look after myself was much better preparation for getting a mortgage than having a lot of savings in the bank. Best of luck!
